Lisa Moffat Lisa Moffat

No Limits

Blisterleaf- or Anemone vesicatoria, a dainty plant with the hidden ability to burn with it's toxic oil, a skill it uses to protect itself

Blisterleaf- or Anemone vesicatoria, a dainty plant with the hidden ability to burn with its toxic oil, a skill it uses to protect itself

Don’t limit yourself.

It’s so easy to apologise or make excuses as to why we think we aren’t good enough - but does this help us improve?

I have a rule in my teaching room that we aim never to make negative comments about our voice or our singing as these can make it very difficult for us to achieve our goals. Our negativity holds us back, our apologies begin our session on the back-foot with the suggestion we will fail. The mere suggestion that we are not good enough will infiltrate our ability to achieve, and possibly succeed in areas that are new to us.

How many times have you told people you are doing something but that you aren’t very good? It’s a particularly British thing I’m overly guilty of!

“If I were not able to separate the art from the artists, I think I would limit myself a great deal, and life wouldn’t be nearly as interesting.”

Jessye Norman

In the world of learning, we have to be brave. We have to put ourselves through the experience of admitting we know little, and learn more.

We have to play and experiment without fear of judgement or failure.

This process is done with the aid of books, online research, published papers from experts, film and recordings, and of course, teachers.

A good teacher will be willing you on. They will set you challenges to help you succeed. Some of those challenges will lead you to better ability and understanding, and some will count as experiments that did not work out, maybe just not yet.

In nature - where I often like to take inspiration - plants do not limit themselves. They develop and adapt and try according to their surroundings. They succeed in all sorts of places. Sometimes this might not work, but every so often it will and leads to the development of the plant in a new way.

If you are a gardener you may be familiar with this already - we have all tried to plant something and watched it fail, only to watch nature self-seed and thrive in an area that every textbook tells you should not work! Some of the healthiest plants are the weeds growing in an unlikely place, growing without fear of failure. Their success unaware of the ‘rules’.

We need that experimental and positive attitude when learning to bring about our new skills.

Have you ever been set a new piece by your teacher and found unexpected success?… Hold on to those moments as you continue onwards!

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Lisa Moffat Lisa Moffat


Sea themed music that celebrates the power and beauty of the sea.

Exploring music written about the sea

This month we are celebrating the sea, and the music we that is written about the sea.

This list is a few of the diverse pieces written from more recent centuries, and it is also a playlist on youtube. Click the link at the bottom to read about each piece while listening to them too.

Feel free to comment and add your own favourites in the comments box - what have I missed out?

Prelude in G, Op 28, no.3, Chopin

Used in the BBC adaptation of Persuasion which features the sea-faring exploits of Captain Wentworth, this Chopin prelude seems to capture the ever moving and reflecting water which is present in so many Sea themed compositions.

Sirèns, Debussy, ‘La Mer’

Would it be the sea if a composer wasn’t writing about mermaids or Sirens luring sailors to their death? Here Debussy writes soaring melismas for the choir to represent those other-worldly creatures.

O Waly waly - Britten, Folk Song Arrangements

This folk song and arrangement is a favourite with me and many of my pupils. The technical aspects of performing are matched by the job of the performer to be a supreme storyteller.

4 Sea Interludes: Storm, Britten, ‘Peter Grimes’

There were 4 sea interludes to choose from, and I chose the storm as we haven’t had any music yet that really captures the strength and danger of the sea.

Here Britten really uses his powers of orchestration and melody to suggest the crashing sea on rocks, spray, wind, and surge.

My Gallant Crew, Sullivan, ‘HMS Pinafore’

As much as we respect the sea, we also enjoy satire and gently poking fun at authority and those in power. In this Sullivan song from HMS Pinafore the Navy and privilege are gently mocked.

Leave Her Johnny, Sea Shanty, ‘Assasins Creed’

The Shanty tradition is alive and well in this shanty used in the ‘Assasins Creed’ computer games. In recent years a sea shanty went viral as young people on tiktok enjoyed the art form and recorded their own performances.

La Mer, performed by Charles Trenet

To finish, we have French singer Chalres Trenet with his celebration of holidays and beach life. His rendition sums up the hot summer relaxing by the ocean.

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Lisa Moffat Lisa Moffat


Staying positive

‘Where you tend a rose, my lad, a thistle cannot grow.’

-Frances Hodgson Burnett, ‘The Secret Garden’ -

In life, it is often said we fall in to one of two camps: optimists and pessimists. You probably already know or have an idea which you are! It’s not entirely the whole truth though, as many of us are a little of both, switching between the two.

In the arts we are often very hard on ourselves, and being self-employed we can feel the loneliness of working by ourselves for long stretches between gigs. I’ve heard of one artist describing success from one in ten auditions - so how do we handle the rejection, knock-backs and self-belief if we work in an industry by ourselves. And why should we be positive? There is a romantic fiction that performers are notoriously depressed, sarcastic and negative off stage…

Firstly, and most importantly, being positive is good for us. It not only makes us feel better, it is good for our health overall in many different ways.

The Benefits of having a Positive Mindset:

  • Increased lifespan

  • Better stress management

  • Lower rate of depression

  • Better cardiovascular health and reduced risk of death from stroke and cardiovascular disease

  • Greater resistance to illness

  • Lower levels of distress and pain

  • Improved creative thinking

  • Stronger leadership skills

Have I convinced you yet? It’s a fairly conclusive list. These health benefits would make you better at performing as your body would be better at processing stress and recovering after.

Positive emotions actually widen our span of attention and it also changes our perception and focus on more of the “we” instead of the “me”

(Goleman, 2013. p170)

Well that covers the problems performers can have focussing on our own issues instead of thinking about the bigger picture.

So steps could we take to think more positively in our every day life and our life as performers?

  • Keep a practise diary and look back on past goals to acknowledge your progress. Slow progress is still progress, and is usually longer ingrained.

  • Visualize success. Not always winning first prize/the part, but singing your best, feeling connected in the performance, engaging with the audience, portraying your character well.

  • Being grateful. Maybe there are parts of your work that are hard, but do they allow you to work with great colleagues? Can you work from home and reduce travel away from family? Has a job unexpectedly led to another job that you love - maybe that will happen again?

  • Make plans. Treat your job like a business and do a full plan assessing where you are, and where you want to go. What are the ways you can get yourself to those end goals? Are there some in-between steps you can take to gain experience? Remember to book a six month assessment into your diary to establish what has worked and what you will change.

  • Remember past successes. How did that make you feel?

  • Read stories about the heroes in your industry and their journey to success. There are very few stories of instant/easy success, most artists strived and struggled through difficult times, having to find their way through multiple issues.

  • Exercise and diet. Ensure you are giving your mind and body the fuel it needs. Find someone to help you with these if it keeps you motivated.

  • Acknowledge your struggles. Being positive isn’t about pretending and living your life as a lie. Be real, but don’t allow that to pull you down and become your only reality. Deal with your sadness, anger, frustration, and move on.

As ever, these things can be talked about with your teacher and incorporated into your practise routine. If you feel your issues run deeper, seek professional help from a professional. Professional help will be a sound investment in your career and life.

If you have any comments or tips on how you stay positive, feel free to comment below.

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Lisa Moffat Lisa Moffat


Nourishing Mind, Body and your Music. An easy list of 7 things to improve mind and body, for free.

Oak Sapling in a jar, Photographed by and copyright of Lisa Moffat

Oak sapling in a jar, Photographed and copyright of Lisa Moffat

It’s cold and dark, we are wrapped in blankets, drinking hot tea, trying to avoid turning the heating on… Here are some simple ways to nourish mind and body as a musician or performer that won’t break the bank.

1. Exercise

If you haven’t already started a fitness goal for the new year - don’t worry! It is totally acceptable to start Any. Day. Of. The. Year. Yes, who knew. It doesn’t have to be expensive, there are easy beginner yoga classes and workouts on youtube, and taking a brisk walk outside is easy and said to be as effective as running.

Taking a 30 minute brisk walk is an easy way of stepping away from your desk or music stand, and returning refreshed ready for your brain to learn more. Set a reminder on your phone to schedule this and make it a habit.

2. Sleep

Too much caffeine, not enough daylight, alcohol, screens, internet scrolling… what’s stopping you from getting a good night’s sleep? We all know our weakness that might be letting us down, make the changes you need to prepare for your best sleep.

Sleep not only helps us learn music, it is the time when our bodies repair - there is no reason not to try get more or better sleep.

3. Meditate

You don’t need training or classes for this, a quiet space or calming music, and 5 minutes are all it takes. Practice slow deep breathing, and letting your mind think of nothing.

Alternatively, some people enjoy exercise for its ability to free the mind - have you tried some Contemplative Running?… google it! (other search engines are available)

4. Eat the rainbow, and make sure protein is in balance with carbs and fats

When we are busy its easy for food planning to slip out of schedule, but it is even more important to support your mind and body when you rely on them to get you through the busy days.

5. Breathe deeply

Breathing calmly, deeply, and easily without effort are all good ways to foster a calm mind and body. There are lots of apps and programmes on technology - some free - to encourage good breathing habits and bring calm.

6. Declutter

You know that drawer that never closes properly?… the pile of paperwork that is never-ending? The music pile that has more added to it than is safe? Make a few minutes in a break to tidy it, move objects to the correct room they should live in, and generally declutter. It’s a five minute job that makes us all feel more calm, easy to do a little and often without feeling overcome.

7. Make Time for Hobbies and Interests

I seem to spend a lot of time writing in my blogs about making time for outside interests, but I think it is one of the most important things you can do. It gives you a new perspective, it challenges your brain and body in a new or different way from your 9-5 (or whatever hours you work as a musician/performer/student!)

It also gives you new experiences and perspectives on your performance. You will meet people from other backgrounds, age groups, and professions, you will work in a new way that might teach you new skills that help in your work. You might make friendships with people out-with your work that are deeper or more interesting.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these suggestions to nourish mind, body, and of course, your music!

Have I missed out anything you think should be added to the list? As always, add it in the comments, and follow me on Instagram an Twitter for more quotes, blogs, and tips on singing.

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